› added 2 years ago


TIL about Spiro Mounds, a pre-European North American city where so much well preserved treasure was found it was called "an American King Tut's Tomb" It was bought by a mining company for $100, looted, mined, and blown up by dynamite.

bk07 TIL Babies as young as 9 months know what makes a friend,new research suggests. A study conducted in January in the Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, shows that babies who are too young to talk still have a set of abstract expectations about the social world.
LkdEv TIL "pioneer" was originally a 16th century military rank, meaning people who advanced first into enemy territory to cut down forests, clear trails, make roads and bridges, etc., so the actual troops could march through after. Pioneer has the same French root as pawn or peon, meaning foot soldier.
6ZXm TIL Strychnine poisoning can cause Opisthotonus, a severe spasm and contortion of the body that makes the person curl backwards.
5V0N8 TIL that Saturn's sixth-largest moon Enceladus is mostly covered by fresh, clean ice, making it the most reflective body in the Solar System. It shoots out water vapor, and other solid material totaling about 200 kilograms per second. Most of these materials supplies the making of Saturn's E ring.
jNWEM TIL It became the custom for rich people and fighting men like the Norman soldiers, whose ways of life put their souls in such great jeopardy, to pay monks to do the praying they were too busy to do for themselves.