› added 1 year ago


TIL in 2011, a Korean sect known as “Good News Mission” scammed around 400 teachers with a recruitment scheme to teach English in Mexico that were really lectures where the guests were forced by guards to engage in a ballroom and were subjected to physical punishment for things such as tardiness.

88Xb TIL that if you have a bone marrow transplant, your blood can have the donor’s DNA and your salival and hair DNA will be your own. It has caused people to be wrongly arrested based on DNA evidence.
e0ANb TIL when parents do not give their infant enough attention, the child may develop "Avoidant Attachment". Left with a deep sense of emptiness, the child copes by being distant towards others, rejecting affection, avoiding emotional intimacy and showing little to no reaction towards pain and trauma
grnjL TIL among cannabis users, 22% of people have cannabis use disorder, 13% have cannabis addiction, and 13% have cannabis dependence. Cannabis dependence risk increases to 33% for young people who engage in cannabis regularly (daily or weekly)
oR4ao TIL The odds of being attacked by a great white shark are about 1 in 11.5 million, which are much lower than the odds of being struck by lightning.
p8nDp TIL in 2007, a North Korean cargo vessel was captured by Somali pirates. Its distress signal was responded to by a nearby US destroyer, which provided medical assistance to injured NK sailors who were able to retake the vessel. It led to an unprecedented statement of gratitude by North Korean media.