› added 9 months ago


TIL Helen Viola Jackson who died in December 2020 was the last surviving civil war veteran’s spouse. She was married to someone alive at the time of Abraham Lincoln

KOKeR TIL that OG Spider-Man Tobey Maguire was at the center of the underground poker scene for the wealthy elite in LA and he "was the worst tipper, the best player, and the absolute worst loser". He used his best friend Leo DiCaprio as a lure to get billionaires to the table.
x8P1 TIL every baseball used in the MLB since the 1950s has been treated with “rubbing mud” that is gathered from a secret location by the Bintliff family. The mud is used to help remove the slick finish on the ball and give the pitcher more grip.
oEMK TIL of the swimming pigs of the Bahamas. They live freely on the beaches, and after basking in the sun for hours, they swim in the surf. The pigs are exceptionally friendly, running from under the shade of the almond trees to greet visitors that bring them treats.
E1Y0p TIL there is only one photo of Neil Armstrong on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11 mission but his back is to the camera, rendering it unusable & as a result, all of the widely circulated/most iconic photos of an Apollo 11 astronaut on the moon are actually of Buzz Aldrin.
RO98 TIL that a billionaire announced he would bury a $500,000 Bentley for the afterlife “just as pharaohs did with possessions”. After criticism, he revealed that it was a stunt. People bury more valuable things – “what’s absurd is burying your organs, which can save you many lives.” Be an organ donor.