› added 5 years ago


TIL on Valentine's Day of 1884, just 36 hours after the birth of their only daughter, Alice, future U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt held his wife as she passed away from undiagnosed Bright's disease. Just hours before, in the same house, he had already said a final goodbye to his mother, Martha.

ADQLa TIL that in 1861, Giuseppe Garibaldi, known as hero of the two worlds and main protagonist in italian unification, voluntereed to president Lincoln and was offered a Major General's commission in the U.S. Army. With only one condition: that the war's objective be declared as slavery's abolition
ne1Yo TIL that the passengers on United Airlines Flight 93 did indeed breach the cockpit. The cockpit voice recorder revealed sounds of screaming and crashing; the hijackers' reading of the takbir; and then a calm voice in English instructing "pull it up." Five seconds later, the plane crashed.
nWo57 TIL: In the 1960s, MIT helped the US military to launch a cloud of 1.4 billion inch long antennas into orbit, totaling a length of 15,909 miles in length.
78Q7 TIL that a college student, Alex Tew, created a website completely made of ads that he sold for $1/pixel (totaling $1,000,000)
7rb1Z TIL of Sir Ewan Forbes, an intersex British aristocrat and rural doctor who applied to change his sex in 1952. Afraid of possible ostracism, he alerted his patients, priest and friends in advance and found that they were “universally supportive”. He married his partner in a church a month later.