› added 5 years ago


TIL about Charlotte Woodward Pierce, who attended the 1848 Seneca Falls Convention (in favor of women's rights) as a teenager and was its only attendant to live long enough to see women get the right to vote in 1920. She was 91 then and her failing health prevented her from voting that year.

4Qw6 TIL That slaves were forbidden from owning musical instruments as they were used to communicate. Congo Square in New Orleans was the only place slaves were allowed to gather every Sunday, to trade, sing, dance and play music. this led to the birth of Jazz
ZjN4 TIL the first Black American to become a President is Joseph Jenkins Roberts, who was born a free man in Virginia, moved to Liberia, then became their first President in 1848.
LQEDv TIL of the Club Kids, a group of young New York City dance club personalities that became popular in the late 80s and early 90s and were characterized by hedonism and eccentric costumes. The movement declined in 1994 after its founding member Michael Alig killed and dismembered a fellow member.
4nmg TIL that a trivia book author included a fake entry that said ‘Philip’ was the first name of TV detective 'Columbo,’ who has no first name. When Trivial Pursuit included 'Philip Columbo’ as an answer, the author sued for $300 million, saying they had stolen their trivia from his books.
eRME TIL that in the Mandingo fight scene in Django Unchained, when the man asks Django how his name is spelled, Django says “The D is silent.” The man replies “I know.” This is because the man is Franco Nero, the man who played Django in the original movie “Django,” in a cameo role.