› added 6 years ago


TIL that Bhutan is the only country in the world whose nature converts more CO2 than the land itself produces.

oa08 Today I Learned of the Tulsa Center of the Universe. An acoustic anomaly located in Oklahoma. When one stands in the center of the circle and makes a noise, that noise is echoed back several times louder than it was made, but no one standing outside the circle can hear a thing.
1ldW TIL that close to 1800 studies have been conducted over the last 20 years to see the effects of public opinion on policies. The study showed that American public opinion has 0 to negligible effect on policies. But corporate donor effect had a direct correlation to policies.
p0EQ TIL Charles Osborne had the hiccups non-stop for approximately 68 years, from 1922 to 1990. His hiccups first started in 1922 while weighing a hog for slaughter. He fell and busted a blood vessel in his brain resulting in him damaging a small part of the brain that inhibits the hiccup response
p8eO8 TIL at the temperature -20°C or below Emperor Penguins form a huddle (like rugby players) to stay warm. The temperature inside the huddle sometimes gets so hot (37°C) that some penguins come out and eat ice to cool off a bit.
86LK TIL the song ‘Louie Louie’ was investigated by the FBI for 31 months on suspicion that the lyrics were secretly obscene, but no lyrics were ever printed and it was dropped when they were deemed unintelligible. The drummer later admitted to yelling 'Fuck!’ at 0:54 after dropping his drumsticks.