› added 3 years ago


TIL researchers have developed an IVF-like process called IVG (in vitro gametogenesis) - The process uses skin cells to create human egg and sperm cells. It could allow sterile parents to conceive and same sex couples could eventually have children who are biologically related to both parents.

xVNGb TIL that percentages are reversible and one way is usually easier to figure. 5% of 20 is the same as 20% of 5
6Ebdm TIL: Sir James Brooke was a British soldier and adventurer, who founded the Raj of Sarawak in Borneo. Acquiring the title, "Sultanate of Sarawak" - following intervention in an uprising against the Sultan of Brunei. He ruled as the first White Rajah of Sarawak from 1841, until his death in 1868.
yaZe TIL on October 14th, 1944, doomed death camp prisoners at Sobibór managed to lure numerous high ranking Nazi officers into separate workshops, on the pretext of fitting them with new boots and clothes. They then hacked their defenseless captors to death with various tools and objects, one by one.
E7wX TIL that the United States of America placed 120,000 Japanese-Americans in internment camps. Their property was confiscated before they entered the camps. It was never returned. Tax records were destroyed which meant camp attendees could not claim compensation for property loss.
rRxwW TIL that when Apple ads claimed the iPhone X took “studio quality photos” there were complaints to the UK’s advertising standards about misleading statements. These were was rejected because there isn’t a technical definition of what “studio quality photos” is: it’s completely subjective.