› added 6 years ago


TIL of Olivia Farnsworth. Olivia is 7 years old, doesn’t feel pain, and never feels tired or hungry. This is because a rare chromosome condition. One day she was hit by car and dragged down the street about 100 feet. Olivia walked away with only minor injuries.

NXk4Q TIL that Charles Thacker, designer of the 1973 Xerox Alto (the first computer with a graphical interface and mouse), also worked on early tablet concepts decades before Apple. When the iPad succeeded in 2010, his wife quipped, “Well, dear, you were 10 years ahead of your time again.”
Ype67 TIL Dr. Elsie Inglis founded the Scottish Women's Hospitals Committee in order to create a mobile army hospital staffed by women. By 1917, 4 hospitals and 14 medical units had been created, staffed by over 1000 women doctors, nurses, orderlies and drivers.
691a7 TIL 'The Phantom of Heilbronn' was believed to be a female serial killer tied to 40 crimes, six of them murders. However, in 2009, it was discovered that the woman never existed, and her DNA found at crime scenes was just contamination from cotton swabs used for collecting samples.
w6wE TIL A Seattle businessman founded a sperm bank in 1980 which accepted sperm only from Nobel laureates or ‘accomplished men.’ The intent was to create genetically superior children. Of the 218 children born under the program many are reportedly geniuses at various disciplines.
B5xy TIL There was a 20 year patent on mini games during loading screens that recently expired last year. This is why all loading screens aren’t interactive and usually only contain flavour or lore text.