› added 6 years ago


TIL of Olivia Farnsworth. Olivia is 7 years old, doesn’t feel pain, and never feels tired or hungry. This is because a rare chromosome condition. One day she was hit by car and dragged down the street about 100 feet. Olivia walked away with only minor injuries.

9Y4g7 TIL New York City has the highest concentration of nesting Peregrine falcons in the world. The birds can soar over the city by taking advantage of updrafts from skyscrapers. Pigeons are widely available for food, which also negates their need to migrate.
ZvXG TIL the idea that suicide is more common during the winter months is actually a myth, rates peak during the spring and summer. Considering depression rates are highest during winter, it’s theorized that the relative cheerfulness of spring/summer finally gives people the motivation to commit suicide.
jNoR TIL that TRON (1982) was disqualified from receiving an Academy Award nomination for special effects, because the Academy felt using computers was “cheating”.
ngjd TIL that dalmatians were adopted as the official firehouse dog after early firefighters noticed that dalmations had a natural affinity with their horses. They would run along side of them, and even protect them from other animals
PYAnL TIL: In 1995 Richard Stallman, a well-known critic of the patent system, testified in Patent Office hearings that, to test the system, a colleague of his had managed to win a patent for one of Kirchhoff's laws, an observation about electric current first made in 1845.