› added 6 years ago


TIL of "Shifting Baseline Syndrome." This is when significant systemic changes occur over time in a way that makes them extremely difficult for humans to perceive. 'New normals' are established which are experienced as though little to no change has taken place.

aL4N TIL President James Garfield was ambidextrous and fluent in both Latin and Greek, so he would entertain his friends by having them ask him questions and then he would write the answer in Latin with one hand while simultaneously writing the answer in Greek with the other.
JYwAj TIL Female humans, pilot whales and killer whales are unique among animals: they are the only three mammals known to undergo menopause. This allows them to help their children survive into adulthood and—if they’re lucky—to act as grandmothers to the next generation.
W7GeX TIL that only the Gospel of Matthew claims Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. Luke and John suggest he was possessed by Satan, while Mark gives no motive. Mark is also the only book to claim he committed suicide, with Acts suggesting he felt no remorse and died accidentally.
KO4bB TIL that Luckenbach, Texas, which was made famous in a Waylon Jennings song, has a population of 3.
71bL TIL in 2003, female A-10 Thunderbolt pilot Kim Campbell was heavily lit up by anti-aircraft munitions, flying over Baghdad. The plane lost all hydraulics, rolled left and pointed toward the ground, but after reverting to manual mode she was got control, flew for an hour, and landed without brakes.