› added 4 years ago


TIL that in 1994, the Surgeon General of the U S, was fired for saying masturbation is "part of human sexuality, and perhaps should be taught."

d8VB7 TIL that Nicholas cage did shrooms with his cat Lewis. I remember lying in my bed for hours," he went on, "and Lewis was on the desk across from the bed for hours, staring at each other . . . not moving. But he would stare at me," Nicolas concluded sagely, "and I had no doubt that he was my brother.
8WbZ TIL Mitsubishi once offered “0–0–0” financing (0% down,0% interest,$0 in payments the first year). Initially, sales leapt, but many buyers defaulted at the end of the grace period, leaving Mitsubishi with used cars for which they had received no money and were now worth less than they cost to build.
XEZxR TIL of George Martonaro, a man who was sentenced to life without parole on non-violent charges. In his 32 years in the prison system, he learned dozens of subjects, taught numerous courses such as creative writing to over 8000 inmates, and authored more than 30 books.
jNYwN TIL Mulan is very likely not ethnically Han. The story is set in the Northern Wei dynasty whose language was Tuoba, an extinct language that had mongolic and Turkic elements. She is believed to be of XianBei ethnicity, a nomadic people that once resided in the Eastern Eurasian Steppes.
p8dyQ TIL usual painless joint cracking or popping does not represent an early form of arthritis, nor does it cause joint damage