› added 5 years ago


TIL that the first documented case of a ‘mail order bride’ / ‘catfishing’ was in 1539, when Henry VIII agreed to marry Anne of Cleves based on a painting of her he was sent. He found her so unattractive that he tried to send her back to Germany, and when he couldn’t, divorced her 6 months later.

eJnk TIL the cast of FRIENDS entered collective negotiations with Warner Bros.’ before season 3 and all 6 actors agreed to be given the salary of the LEAST paid cast member. They wanted to be a true ensemble and everyone featured equally. Near the end of the series they were all paid $1 million/episode.
b9Lj7 TIL Cat mummies were so plentiful in Egypt that, in the 1800s, an English company bought a load of 180,000, pulverized them and spread them on farm fields as fertilizer. Also so many baboons and ibises were mummified for the trade it likely drove them to extinction in Egypt.
6EpJ TIL that a boy born in 1783 had two heads, one on top of the other with the second head upside down so that the neck stub was up in the air. The second head had a fully functional brain.
dk1B TIL: To produce a single jar of honey, foraging honey bees have to travel the equivalent of three times around the world.
ADPOa TIL magenta is an imaginary color; allcolors have their own wave length except magenta. The only wave lengths between blue and red are yellow green and orange etc if blue cones are slightly stimulated and red cones are slightly stimulated, but green isn’t detecting anything own brains create magenta