› added 4 years ago


TIL Annually around 40 million Olive Ridley hatchlings are born in Odisha coast of India and they are monitored around the year from adults laying eggs to birth. Fishing and commercial activities are banned around particular coast. One of the most successful conservation story.

ADWwB TIL Lyndon Johnson's closest aide, Walter Jenkins, was forced to resign when he was arrested for gay sex. Johnson's wife publically supported Jenkins in a time when homosexuality was heavily scorned.
BrYYe TIL that Grizzly Adams, the man upon whose life they based the tv and movie series, had his career ended when he received severe back and spine injuries from a Bengal tiger he was attempting to train for his employers. He went on to be a cobbler.
QNNyk TIL the film Cannonball Run was based on a sea-to-sea race. The challenge was conceived in the 70s by two editors of Car and Driver magazine and run five times, though the first race was non-competitive as it involved a single car
grZG7 TIL the studio behind the movie Se7en proposed a sequel called "Ei8ht" where a suddenly psychic Morgan Freeman chases an also psychic serial killer. The idea was dropped after director David Fincher replied, "I would be less interested in that than I would in having cigarettes put out in my eyes."
rRWP0 TIL : IN 2006, a man in Portland, Oregon hired a hitman to kill his 51-year-old wife. His wife ended up killing the hitman with her bare hands. When Susan Kuhnhausen had her hands on his neck she asked him, "TELL ME WHO SENT YOU HERE AND I WILL CALL YOU A FUCKING AMBULANCE!"