› added 4 years ago


TIL Kharai Camels in Kutch are one of the few camel breeds that can swim. They feed off marine mangroves and in turn help regenerate the mangrove forests. Only 5000 camels are left now!

9YYj7 TIL that according to Johnny Cash's autobiography, he got addicted to painkillers after one of his ostriches challenged his authority. He attempted to discipline the bird with a large stick, but failed; the ostrich broke five of his ribs and slashed into his stomach, almost disemboweling him.
6EMO8 TiL the first time Germany bombed a civilian target during WWII was an accident. The retaliation led to the Blitz, which was actually great for Britain because the RAF air fields had almost been completely put out of action by Luftwaffe action up to that point and Hitler changed targets.
8aKna TIL that some wild boar in Italy discovered and snorted up £17,000 worth of Cocaine in a forest. Drug dealers discovered the ruined haul. Police heard them complaining about in a telephone conversation.
kJBWB TIL about The Pig Precinct. In 1972 after the Iowa state supreme court ordered legislative redistricting a new district was created that did not have any human residents, just pigs. They were the only full-time residents housed in an experimental animal disease laboratory.
DM8r TIL the chills experienced when listening to music is a result of the brain releasing dopamine – this occurs when a piece of music moves you, or when in anticipation of the peak moment during a song.