› added 2 years ago


TIL The Loretto Chapel needed access to its choir loft. In 1877 an unknown Master Carpenter appeared and build a staggeringly precise spiral staircase using hand tools, glue and non native wood. Then disappeared without being paid.

00dv TIL that a 17-year old girl diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma refused chemotherapy because she did not want to put the “poison” in her body. After the state took custody of the girl from her mother, a judge mandated she undergo chemotherapy treatment. She is now in remission.
XEQdk TIL Borat never actually filmed in a village in Kazakhstan, the village was actually in Romania, and the villagers were angry when they found out Borat had duped them after they were shown the film by visitors
9YDyM TIL: The creator of the Gil Sans font had sex with his sisters, daughters, and dog. He was named Royal Designer for Industry, the highest British award for designers
pYPmG TIL: That American Jim Thorpe was stripped of two gold medals following the 1912 Olympics because it was discovered that he had previously played semi-professional baseball, violating the amateur rules at the time. The IOC returned replica medals to his children in 1983; 30 years after his death.
Z8n5R TIL that Charles Guiteau, who assassinated President Garfield, probably suffered from neurosyphillis, perhaps caught from a prostitute. He spent several years at a free love commune but could not get any of the women there to sleep with him, even earning the nickname "Charles Git-out"