› added 4 years ago


TIL how Santa Barbara California got its name. On December 4, 1602, Spanish explorer Sebastian Vizcaino sailed through the Santa Barbara Channel, which he named in honor of St. Barbara’s Feast Day. It wasn’t until 1782 that the town of Santa Barbara received its name.

x6bdk TIL that evidence for the effectiveness of dental floss is limited. Several academic reviews have concluded either that flossing is no more effective than tooth brushing alone, or that the evidence in favor of flossing is weak, biased or of low certainty.
Xryr TIL that in the the 17th century Navies doled out a daily ration of a half a pint of rum per sailor. This practice was continued by countries around the world and wasn’t completely stopped until 1990.
lQO1 TIL Will Smiths ‘Hancock’ was originally a script called Tonight He Comes, about a superhero alcoholic who could not make love because if he climaxed, he would kill a woman with the power of his climax.
OGk6a TIL The spire on top of the Empire State Building was originally designed for docking aircrafts. The 102nd floor is observatory you can still access. 103rd floor which now is used for storage and equipment has a small door that leads to a narrow spiral staircase to the top.
LQbEv TIL the "Pizza The Hutt" suit for the movie Spaceballs weighed about 25 pounds and was made with a fiberglass undershell, a foam latex skin, steam jets, hoses, pancake batter, and pizza toppings. It was so uncomfortable that the original actor who wore it refused to get back in it for reshoots