› added 4 years ago


TIL the longest game of monopoly was played at a frat in Pittsburgh,lasting five days in 1961. When the bank ran out of money they wired Parker Brothers, who sent them a million $ of monopoly money by air and was delivered by armoured car.

gDM7 TIL the first female Athenian doctor had to dress as a man in order to get her education and practice medicine because being a female doctor was a capital crime, but when she became the most popular doctor in town among women in her male guise, the other doctors accused her of seducing her patients.
Zp4p4 TIL matt damon and ben affleck wrote a gay oral scene in the good will hunting script to see which executives actually read the script, harvey winstein loved the script but hated the scene which lead them to give him the rights
Qg79 TIL in 1966 Playboy sent a black journalist to interview George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party. “He took out a pearl-handled revolver, placed it pointedly on the arm of his chair, sat back and spoke for the first time: ‘I’m ready if you are.’”
epmM6 TIL that "A Visit from St. Nicholas" (AKA Twas The Night Before Christmas) was first published on this date 200 years ago.
A1Gg TIL in 1955, Sears published a phone number that kids could use to “call Santa”. However, due to a misprint, the number Sears printed redirected to NORAD’s top secret emergency line. Rather than having the ad pulled, NORAD decided to “track” Santa’s progress, which they continue to do to this day.