› added 4 years ago


Til accounts of post combat PTSD date back to Mesopotamia during the Assyrian dynasty (1300-609 BC). The Mesopotamians explain the disorder in terms of spirit affliction; the spirit of those enemies whom the patient had killed during battle causing the symptoms

ZYKG TIL that in 1730,when pirate Olivier Levasseur was hanged he threw a coded message into the crowd. He shouted “Find my treasure,he who may understand it! The treasure remains lost.
ADQQl TIL that Marilyn Monroe viewed Abraham Lincoln as a father figure once saying “Most people can admire their fathers, but I never had one. I need someone to admire. My father is Abraham Lincoln…I mean I think of Lincoln as my father. He was wise and kind and good. He is my ideal, Lincoln. I love him”
pmQZ TIL that on Oct 28, 2013 wind power not only provided 100% of Denmark’s power but that at 2:00AM Denmark wind was producing 122% of the countries energy needs
Wkrbo TIL the last mass execution in the US happened during WW2 when 7 German POWs in Arizona were executed for murdering a fellow POW. The perpetrators knew that the victim had divulged secrets to the US so they murdered him the day he arrived at the camp.
VMjNk TIL about Cher Ami, a pigeon serving the US Military in WWI, who despite being shot through the breast, losing a leg and being blinded in one eye, successfully delivered messages that saved hundreds of US Soldiers. She died shortly after and is now on display at the Smithsonian