› added 7 years ago


TIL Kathleen Kennedy, sister of JFK, was disowned by her family- especially her mother- after marrying an Anglican. After being widowed during WWII, she then chose to marry a divorcee, but died in a plane crash. Only her father went to her funeral.

Y7Kyv TIL Tanya Roberts, who played a bond girl and Donna's mom in That 70's Show, died of a urinary tract infection that advanced to sepsis and multi-organ failure. She noticed the pain while hiking one day and the next day fell out of bed and couldn't get up.
ZpgMp TIL that Belgians celebrate Kattenstoet, the 'Festival of the Cats', which commemorates a medieval tradition in which cats were thrown from the belfry tower to the town square below. The modern festival involves throwing toy cats followed by a mock witch burning.
16RQO TIL Alfred Jackson, who was Pres. Andrew Jackson’s slave, was born in the Hermitage, lived his whole life there even after he was freed, worked as a tour guide of the place, had his funeral in the mansion and was also buried there, next to Pres. Jackson’s tomb
v67B TIL a man rode a jetski over the brink of the Niagra Falls to promote awareness for the homeless. His parachute did not open and he ended up promoting better parachutes. He plunged to his death and his body was never recovered. An Egyptian tourist captured a amazing image.
lRJ1 TIL liquid Helium is the coldest substance on earth, and is critical to MRI machines and medical research. The US is intentionally depleting and disbanding its Federal Helium Reserve and will have to rely on Russian and Qatar in the future.