› added 11 years ago


TIL a British traveler in the UAE was arrested for posession of 0.003 g of marijuana. Additionally, a Swiss man is currently serving a jail sentence for having 3 poppy seeds on his shirt.

eNX5 TIL In 2011, a team at the U.S. Department of Energy hacked into a one of the most commonly used electronic voting machines and concluded in their report: “anyone with $26 in parts and an eighth-grade science education would be able to manipulate the outcome of an election.”
4XebX TIL: Stalin was actually warned about the Nazi invasion, 'Barbarossa', weeks before it actually happened. Refusing to believe the Nazis had broken the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact of 1939, dismissing the reports of war as British provocations. More than 800,000 Soviets were killed, 6 million captured.
e1JE TIL that Catalina Island (a small island of the coast of L.A.) has non-native buffalo that were brought over for a silent film after the movie was over they left the buffalo and after nearly a century the population has grown to 150.
D47r TIL Jeremy Clarkson’s fondness for wearing jeans has been blamed by some for the decline in sales of denim in the mid-1990s, particularly Levi’s, because of their being associated with middle aged men. This is known as the “Jeremy Clarkson Effect”.
ZoRv TIL the Freemasons of the UK and Ireland donate Teddy bears to pediatric A&E departments to be given to distressed children. To date they have donated one million bears in the UK and over 85,000 in Ireland.