› added 1 year ago


TIL about a woman being seriously injured while magnet fishing from a bridge. She had the rope tied to her wrist and threw the magnet over. It got caught on a fast moving boat which caused her to be immediately pulled off the bridge and into the water. Her boyfriend jumped in to rescue her.

epk6k TIL that when Canada's Waterloo Lutheran University needed a new name in 1973, it renamed itself after Wilfrid Laurier. While the country's seventh prime minister had no connection with the school, the newly named Wilfrid Laurier University did not have to change its initials, WLU.
8agJa TIL than in January of 1987, televangelist Oral Roberts told his TV audience that God had told him to raise $8 million by March 1987 or he would "call him home." He ended up raising over $9 million.
6EwAY TIL: ALOHAnet was the first computer network in the world to use randomized packet access to a shared medium and heavily influenced the development of modern protocols such as ethernet
ADmyw TIL that in 1910 moose were introduced to a remote part of New Zealand known as Fiordland. They are believed to have mostly died out, but to this day, traces of a mysterious moose presence are occasionally still found in the region. The moose themselves however haven't been seen since 1952.
N7xwM TIL about an actual "Sleeping Beauty" in that there's a 99 year old (100 this coming December) perfectly preserved body of a 1 year old, named Rosalia Lombardo. She died of Pneumonia in 1920 & filled with grief, her father enlisted Alfredo Salafia to embalm her body so she can be preserved forever.