› added 2 years ago


TIL that the octane rating you see at the fuel pump isn't the percentage of octane in your fuel. It's simply a measure of its resistance to engine knock in comparison to the isooctane standard.

E1MD7 TIL that Stonehenge isn't the only one of it's kind. They are call Stone Circles and they're all over the Bristish Isles. In fact thousands of them.
D1ZOP TIL David Bowie was punched in the left eye as a teenager, leaving it permanently dilated. He later thanked his friend, George Underwood, for doing so, saying it gave him "a kind of mystique." This mystique helped enhance some of Bowie's most iconic images.
mx1dE If it’s a particularly contagious virus, it would spread across the planet in a year. “If it starts in New York, it’s going to be in London certainly within a week,” says Ira Longini, a biostatistician at the University of Washington and the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle who uses computer models to analyze how viruses globe-trot. “And from there, it will quickly travel to the rest of North America and Europe.” For Longini’s computer forecasts to become reality, though, certain conditions would need to be met.
Dbvj TIL that Kenny Rogers Roasters failed in the U.S. but continues to grow in Asia to this day
kOblB TIL that when yakuza boss Tadamasa Goto wanted to have a liver transplant performed in USA in 2001, he donated 100 thousand dollars to the UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. The gangster jumped the queue and got the liver; that year, 186 people in the Los Angeles region died waiting for livers.