› added 3 years ago


TIL that female vampire bats are highly social, coordinating with a group of friends to find prey, and going as far as to share blood (by regurgitating it into each other's mouths). This circle of trust helps bats survive - a hungry bat can always take a "blood loan" from a bat that overfed.

r06d TIL Gen.George S.Patton received orders to bypass the German city of Trier as it was estimated that 4 divisions would be needed for a successful assault ,but had already taken Trier by the time the message arrived. He responded, ’ Have taken Trier with 2 divisions, do you want me to give it back?’
e0y86 TIL Kevin Carter, the photographer that received a Pulitzer Prize for the photograph he took of a starving boy and vulture in South Sudan ended up taking his own life in 1994 with this suicide note “haunted by vivid memories and killings & corpses...starving children...of trigger happy madmen”
7rpKP TIL that mirror image twins are perfect reflections of each other, are exactly right- and left-handed, have birthmarks exactly on opposite sides of their body and have hair whorls that swirl in opposite directions.
N7dk1 TIL The USS Johnston was saluted by a Japanese destroyer captain as it was sinking, after spending nearly 3 hours squaring off against 23 Japanese ships, including 4 Battleships, 8 Cruisers and 11 destroyers.
yVO4p TIL that in ancient times, the carob seed was used to measure the worth of gems and gold since the seeds have a general uniform weight. This is where the word "karat" comes from.