› added 10 months ago


TIL that despite being ubiquitous throughout the Roman world for centuries and appearing in sculptures and friezes across the empire, we don't know what the Romans called the armor they wore in battle. 16th century scholars gave it the name lorica segmentata.

p8ALO TIL: The International Space Station orbits about 220 miles above Earth. To put that in perspective, if Earth were the size of a basketball, the space station would be about 1/4 of an inch (<7mm) off the surface.
PY60n TIL the more content the wife is with the long-term union, the happier the husband is with his life no matter how he feels about their nuptials.
JYbQ TIL Peter Norman, the little-known “white guy on the podium", made a major contribution to the 1968 Olympic black rights statement. He went home to Australia a pariah – his career ended by the AOC. He died in 2006 without recognition, buried quietly by his lifelong friends: Cook and Carlos. [Fixed]
Yp65v TIL in 1993, an FBI agent in a gorilla suit helped catch Mexican zoo officials who were attempting to smuggle primates from America to Mexico illegally. The five people that were caught were charged with trafficking primates in violation of federal laws protecting endangered species.
XENkD TIL while for decades, it was thought that political conservatives are generally more fearful & threat-sensitive, a new study suggests that they are no more fearful or threat-sensitive than liberals, but instead are scared of different things