› added 2 months ago


TIL of Operation Paul Bunyan. A retaliatory against North Korea for the murder of 2 UN command officers. With 813 armed infantry, 27 helicopters, B52 stratofortress, fighter planes, a carrier strike group, and a chainsaw. US forces successfully cut down a poplar tree and the mission was a success.

PY5OV TIL After Richard Nixon’s landmark trip to China in 1972, the couple were gifted a pair of Pandas by then Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai. This gift created a new sensation among Zoos, and Toy makers, even gracing Time magazine. In return, the U.S. government sent China a pair of musk oxen.
kJky5 TIL There is no laundry facility on the International Space Station (ISS). Astronauts typically wear their clothes until they are too dirty and then discard them. These clothes are placed in a cargo ship that will eventually burn up upon re-entering Earth’s atmosphere.
J1RKm TIL a founding father of the American mafia ran his empire from a funeral home. and he was called "the undertaker".
knZd TIL that “Koko, a female gorilla trained in sign language, once tore a steel sink out of its moorings. When her handlers confronted her, Koko signed ‘cat did it’ and pointed at her innocent pet kitten.”
nG5b TIL An Ohio Judge, who each year would move a drunken-driving trial from his courtroom to a local high school as a cautionary tale to students, was arrested himself on a DUI after he hit a County bus, failed to stop, then refused a sobriety test after being pulled over by police