› added 1 year ago


TIL In 1886 William Ellsworth Robinson, an American Magician assumed the Asian inspired persona of Chung Ling Soo, dressed in traditional Chineese attire, pretended to not speak English & faked a marriage to an Asian American to fool European audiences. He later died during a failed Bullet Catch Act

4ke4R TIL why intelligent people procrastinate -
gkGW TIL Queen Elizabeth served as a truck mechanic in WW2
4krAo TIL that electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is still used today to treat severe depression.
aR9J TIL Vicar’s Close in Wells, England is the oldest purely residential street with its original buildings all surviving intact in Europe.
Ooe1R TIL - Barbara Walters told Corey Feldman “you’re damaging an entire industry” When he came forward about Hollywood abuse.