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TIL Americans are actually really stupid people, most of them think America is the world. Can’t name any other country and some can’t even point to where America is. Absolute joke of a country

gMPa7 TIL hundreds of love letters between two gay World War II soldiers were found and are being made into a book. In one, one of them wrote, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all our letters could be published in the future in a more enlightened time. Then all the world could see how in love we are.”
awDVJ TIL that the 1994 box office bomb Baby's Day Out was a huge hit in South Asia, beating Star Wars as the most successful American film. It was played for over a year at the largest theater in Calcutta and spawned two remakes
Gjj5 TIL that a Coca-Cola corporate secretary once stole the secret Coca-Cola recipe and attempted to sell it to Pepsi. Instead of acquiring the recipe of their competitor, Pepsi called the FBI and had her arrested.
kOebB TIL that J.M. Barrie, Rudyard Kipling, H. G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, P. G. Wodehouse, G. K. Chesterton, A. A. Milne, and other notable literary figures played on the same cricket team. And they were terrible.
VMd6k TIL It's believed that Japan's first nine emperors may not have existed. Despite the slim evidence available to historians the 10th Emperor, Sujin, is the first of the 'heavenly sovereigns' whose reign can be partially documented. The true date of his rule is unclear and sources are part mythology.