› added 10 years ago


TIL The abacus is still manufactured and widely used in Japan. The latest versions of it include a dual bead and digital calculator

Z86lG TIL there is a blood sport known as Spider Fighting, where two spiders are placed on opposite ends of a stick and pushed towards the middle to fight one another. In 2002, inmates in a Florida prison got into a fight resulting in life threatening injuries over the theft of a pet fighting spider.
g80y TIL in 1976 Elvis spent ~$16,000 for a midnight return flight from Memphis to Denver to eat a Fools Gold sandwich which consists of one jar of Skippy creamy peanut butter, one jar of Smucker’s grape jelly, and one pound of lean bacon fried crisp.
b5Z9 TIL In response to artist Anish Kapoor buying the exclusive rights to Vantablack pigment, said to be the blackest shade of black, artist Stuart Semple created “the world’s pinkest pink”, and made it available to anyone except Kapoor; things then got messy.
yv1p TIL Seattle is planning to build a new city park filled with hundreds of edible plants- such as fruit trees, vegetable plants, herbs, etc- which will be free to everyone. If successful, it will be the first “Urban Food Forest” of the nation.
JYlN4 TIL that in spite of Henry Fords mandate in 1909 that, "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants so long as it is black.", this was not implemented until 1914. Until then, they were only available in grey, green, blue, and red.