› added 11 years ago


TIL in 1990, a 15-yo Kuwaiti girl testified to US Congress that Kuwaiti babies were being taken out of their incubators by Iraqi soldiers and left to die. It was later revealed that she was the daughter of an ambassador & that her testimony was part of a PR campaign to sell the war to the public.

gM6AD TIL of Steve Hodel, an LA homicide detective who believes his deceased father killed the Black Dahlia, after finding a picture of him with Elizabeth Short. He later discovered his father had been one of the prime suspects at the time of the murder.
R5wea TIL that Dory from "Finding Nemo" is widely praised for its accurate portrayal of an amnesic syndrome Her depiction of short-term memory loss, difficulty with new information, and frequent forgetfulness is a realistic representation of the struggles faced by individuals with this condition
A9en TIL there is a Japanese company that creates and sells giant pilot-able mechs as art pieces. The price? $1.35 million, before options
16xLD TIL that Paul Winchell, the guy who voiced Mr. Owl on the Tootsie Pop commercials, Tigger from Winnie the Poo, and Gargamel from the Smurfs, also invented the artificial heart.
ePYE TIL that James Bond’s creator, Ian Fleming, originally doubted Sean Connery’s casting, saying, “He’s not what I envisioned of James Bond looks.” on top of Connery being Scottish. But after seeing Dr. No he was so impressed, he updated Bond’s bio to where he was given Scottish (and Swiss) descent.