› added 9 years ago


TIL Pretty people activate the reward centers of our brains. Shared brain regions judge both attractiveness and goodness. The insular cortex, associated with disgust, pain and punishment, is activated by both viewing unattractive people and by judging people to be of bad moral character. Ugly hurts.

yQmle TIL that in 1920, the town of Jackson, Wyoming elected an all-female town council by a margin of 2-1 over the men, drawing the most voters the town had ever seen. Known as the "pettycoat rulers," the women served for 3 years and did a great deal to clean up the notoriously lawless town.
grOoL TIL Enya's music "Only Time" re-entered the Billboard Top 100 reaching number 43, thirteen years after the original release thanks to it being featured in Volvo's Epic Split commercial with Jean-Claude Van Damme
yQpLX TIL about negativity bias: negative things have a greater impact on your psychological state than positive things, and your amount of negativity bias impacts your perceptions and preferences.
6EZVW TIL in 1985, MTV ran a contest based on John Mellencamp's song Pink Houses, where they gave away a pink house. Unfortunately, the house was on a toxic waste dump in Indiana. Not wanting to poison his fans, they were forced to buy another house. Also included was a garage full of Hawaiian Punch.
e0db6 TIL that the film Tron (1982) was not nominated for any visual effects Oscars because the Academy considered using computers to create environments and effects to be "cheating."