› added 9 years ago


TIL In 1914, British WWI soldier Thomas Hughes tossed a beer bottle with a letter to his wife into the English Channel. He was killed two days later. In 1999, a fisherman dredged up the bottle in the River Thames. Although Hughes’ wife had died in 1979, it was delivered to his 86-year old daughter.

jNaka TIL the best snow for skiing is made up of snowflakes called fernlike stellar dendrites. These snowflakes are the largest type of snowflakes, diameters exceeding 5 mm, and are extremely thin and light, so they make a low density snowpack.
Oo4we TIL that Nicholas Cage spent $150 million on a 70-million-year-old dinosaur skull, a tomb, a $150,000 first edition Superman comic, pygmy heads, two European castles; one worth $10 million and the other $2.6 million, and 15 residences. He later had to return the skull to the Mongolian govt.
168KV TIL the 1900 Summer Olympics had mail coach driving as an equestrian event. The contestants drove mail coaches drawn by four horses each, with the winners determined by a jury.
WknbX TIL The character’s name Bruce Wayne a/k/a Batman was based on history’s war heroes Robert the Bruce and "Mad" Anthony Wayne (General of Continental Army during Revolutionary War).
e0VeJ TIL that wisdom tooth extraction is a $3 billion per year industry in the USA. As many as 70% of wisdom teeth extractions are unnecessary, and that stopping these unnecessary extractions would reduce the average yearly income of an American dentist by as much as 40%.