› added 3 years ago


TIL that the Common Cold leads to almost $10 billion in doctor's visits and drugs per year. It is also responsible for almost 315 million sick days from school and work, costing over $20 billion and accounting for 40% of time lost from work.

P17Dn TIL that the planet's average temperature compared to today was just 6°C (11°F) lower, during the last ice age, and 4°C (7°F) higher, during the age of the dinosaurs. "In climate terms, a change of just a few degrees is a big deal." (Bill Gates, 2021)
E1vMW TIL about Marie Pantalon. A French woman in 1850 that decided to become a Gold Digger. She pretended to be a man to get to California, worked like any man, wielded a gun to defend her claims, and dressed in pants, unthinkable at the time, eventually obtained official permission to wear the pants.
KO8oJ TIL that most volume knobs must operate on a logarithmic curve, not a linear one, because the human brain perceives differences in small volumes far better than it can tell differences in large volumes
gWeW TIL that Danny Trejo often chooses to play bad guys to teach younger audiences that bad guys often die or go to prison, and that one should try to live a decent life.
DQYbV TIL that in the early 1980's, a newspaper accidentally switched the captions for Dennis the Menace and The Far Side comics twice. While some people found it humorous, other people found the captioning to be deeply disturbing and the newspaper apologized for the errors.