› added 5 years ago


TIL that, in 1943, four boys in Worcestershire found a skeleton inside a tree trunk, with its hand some distance away. In 1944, graffiti was found nearby saying "Who Put Bella in the Wych Elm", along with other messages. Neither the skeleton nor the writer of the graffiti has ever been identified.

PY7De TIL of Dr. Sam Sheppard, a neurosurgeon who was convicted of killing his wife, was later acquitted of the charge and went on to become a pro wrestler. He invented the mandible claw, a move popularized by Mankind(aka Mick Foley)
eDLJ TIL there’s an act called the “Read the Bills Act,” which requires U.S. Congress to read the legislation before they vote on it. It has been in limbo since 2006…
b4xj TIL Clarence Elkins was denied an appeal on rape/murder charges despite proving the DNA didn’t match. He then did his own investigation, and found the real killer. The prosecutor still refused to overturn the conviction until the atty general publicly shamed him.
wBD6 TIL in 1990 there was an anti-drug PSA called Cartoon All-Stars To The Rescue, about Bugs Bunny, Kermit the Frog, Slimer, Garfield, the Chipmunks, Michelangelo from TMNT, ALF, and other cartoons scaring the hell out of a 14-year-old marijuana addict. It aired all around the globe.
jNOja TIL that the japanese army commited such horrible war crimes during WW2, that a nazi (John Rabe) is regarded as the chinese Oscar Schindler for saving up to 250'000 people from being killed