› added 5 years ago


TIL how British Cmdr Terence Otway, wanting to be sure his men wouldn’t leak the D-Day plans, tested them by sending 30 pretty members of the Women’s Aux. Air Force in civilian clothes to the local pubs with instructions to do all they could try and get the info, but none of the men fell for it.

W7v84 TIL about the "Society for Lying In" hospital in NYC, built in 1902, it's name based on archaic term for childbirth. It's estimated that 60% of the births in Manhattan took place there.
epaGg TIL A poodle named Cachi fell 13 floors and hit an elderly woman, killing both instantly. In the course of events, a woman came to see the incident and was fatally hit by a bus. In addition, a man who witnessed her death had a heart attack and also died on his way to the hospital
p8pb4 TIL that James Buchanan, the 15th President of the United States, is the only president to have military experience without having been an officer. He was a private in the Pennsylvania militia in 1814.
yVVpJ TIL Napoleon made Bavaria a kingdom, adopted his wife's non-noble niece, gave her a title and dowry, and got her engaged to a powerful prince, just so he could get his step-son to marry another powerful princess, who had been previously engaged to the prince
ANGNg TIL: There are several studies that prove heterosexual men act differently around women, but in unexpected ways. Men are more likely to jaywalk, wait until the last second to dash onto a bus, take more risks while gambling, volunteer/donate more, etc. The effects are strongest in single young men.