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TIL Sir Admiral "Blinker" Hall became the UK's Director of Naval Intelligence—a desk job—and played an outsize role in getting the United States into World War I because commanding ships made him seasick.

yvpV TIL Gloria Ramirez, later dubbed “The Toxic Lady” was admitted to Riverside General Hospital due to advanced cervical cancer. The medical staff that came in contact with her body and blood soon started fainting, requiring an evacuation. The cause of the faintings has not been found yet.
a8Ayo TIL The song "Rock Around the Clock" by Bill Haley & His Comets is considered to be one of the most famous and culture-changing songs of all time. It was released in 1954 and is widely regarded as the first rock and roll hit, helping to usher in a new era of popular music and youth culture.
VBQo4 TIL that Louis Armstrong was initially considered for the role of King Louie in Disney's 1967 ''Jungle Book'' but one of the writers said 'You know the NAACP is going to jump all over it having a black man playing an ape – it would be politically terrible' so the part went to Louis Prima.
y9Rv TIL the original actor for Dumbledore, Richard Harris, intended to turn down the role due to his declining health, but later agreed to play the character after his 11-year-old granddaughter threatened to never speak to him if he refused the role.
OGoA1 TIL of Etta Mae Lopez, a California woman who waited outside a jail all day and slapped the first deputy who came out, in order to get sent to prison where she hoped to quit smoking