› added 2 years ago


TIL The state of Singapore was expelled from the Malaysian federation due to a heated ideological conflict between their respective ruling parties.

VwdB TIL in 1985 Ryan White was refused re-entry to his school due to him having AIDS. 117 Parents and 50 teachers petitioned for his ban. People even cancelled their subscriptions as White was the paperboy and they believed they would be infected too.
mxZBE TIL there is an island called Disappointment Island. It's uninhabited, but home to over 65,000 pairs of white-capped albatross. In 1868, a steel tanker crashed there and 68 people died, while the remaining 15 waited 18 months to be rescued. In 1907, another ship crashed there and 12 men drowned.
epaxn TIL about a batman, an individual assigned to a commissioned military officer as a personal servant. An officer's batman was also responsible for the officer's "bat-horse" that carried his kit during campaigns before cars were invented. The term also predates the superhero Batman's appearance.
ekPE TIL that Saudi Arabian textbooks, which are used by Muslim schools around the world, teach students that homosexuals should be executed, that Jews are “Apes”, and that Christians are “Swine”–and these are the versions that have already been toned down and scrubbed for hate-inciting speech.
5YJZQ TIL Soviet cosmonauts took a copy of Pink Floyd's live album "Delicate Sound Of Thunder" with them on their mission, making it the first rock album to be played in space. David Gilmour and Nick Mason also attended the mission's launch.