› added 1 year ago


TIL that squirt guns predate the Civil War. Would be General Sherman once said “Why, you might as well attempt to put out the flames of a burning building with a squirt-gun.”

b9M8p TIL In 2005 researchers made a groundbreaking discovery of a novel gene that causes cancer when mutated and tried naming the gene Pokemon but were promptly threatened with a lawsuit by Pokemon USA because the company "did not want Pokemon associated with cancer"
5LNR TIL neon light left on for 77 years, which was discovered during renovation of landmark restaurant. The fixture had been walled off and forgotten in a basement nook, where it proceeded to rack up over $17,000 in electrical bills.
7rD9L TIL that on November 30, 1954, a grapefruit-sized meteorite crashed through the roof of a farm house in Oak Grove, Alabama, bounced off a large wooden console radio, and hit Ann Hodges while she napped on a couch. This was the first documented extraterrestrial object to have injured a human being.
PRoL TIL that a town in Newfoundland took in 38 airplanes carrying over 6,600 passengers immediately following the attacks on the World Trade Centers, almost doubling the town population. Despite this, the people of the town worked together tirelessly to care for the passengers for up to 6 days.
9Yx97 TIL that Penn Station was actually once an elegant, beautiful building that was torn down in the 1960s, which caused such outrage that it led to the historical preservation of many of New York's buildings today.