› added 3 months ago


TIL that on Labor Day weekend 1969, in Great Barrington, MA (and a few other Berkshire towns), over 220 + people claimed to have seen a UFO, and three people claimed to have been abducted! At one point, the town even created a monument, and the event was recognized by their historical society!

OrdX TIL that the “Cheerleader Effect” (people look more attractive when they’re in a group than when they’re alone) coined by Barney Stinson in the TV Show ‘How I Met Your Mother’ has been the subject of a scientific study which confirmed the theory.
b9X8j TIL about Peter's Principle OR why everyone sucks at their job. People who excel at work are promoted, to a point where they are incompetent. With every promotion, you are closer to newer and more complex job needs. This incrementally makes you worse at your job to the point of incompetency.
5Yebr TIL of Anneliese Michel who went through 67 exorcism sessions; one or two each week, lasting up to four hours, were performed over about ten months in 75–76. Later investigation determined that she was malnourished & dehydrated; her parents & the priests responsible were charged with homicide.
nWNV9 TIL: Judaism has co-official religion status in three jurisdictions: Israel; Alsace-Moselle, France; and Singapore.
5Ym0p TIL 33 actors from all the Star Trek series all starred in the cartoon Gargoyles (1994 - 1997). It also had 5 writers from Star Trek and two artists who had worked on the Marvel Star Trek comics.