› added 1 year ago


TIL Giraffes not only just use their long necks to reach for leaves as they are grazers. When they fight for a mate, they swing their necks around at their opponent. The winner is usually the one with the longer neck since there is more torque that is produced.

b9Mw0 TIL The Placebo Effect doesn’t really have clinical significance when you account for the myriad of variables present in clinical trials. Placebos do about as good as “no treatment arms” in most studies with objective criteria.
8adlZ TIL about Nikolai Vavilov, a Soviet botanist whose aim was to end hunger worldwide. He collected seeds of wild crops and deposited them in a seedbank in which to produce new strains of crops. Stalin denounced him and used him as a scapegoat for a famine. He died in prison from starvation.
rNWnd TIL why the pool tables in Michael Jackson's Beat It video have no pockets. It's because the tables shown are used for a pocketless game called carom billiards.
N7AQ6 TIL: In the 18th century, Britain dumped Opium in China because later only accepts Silver which caused a serious balance of payments issue for Britain. This eventually leads to the establishment of the tea industry in India by stealing Chinese plants and their tea expertise.
4k81X TIL Montreal Canadiens star Maurice Richard was suspended for the rest of the 1954-55 season and playoffs by NHL President Clarence Campbell after punching an official. When Campbell attended Montreal's next home game, a riot broke out that led to 100 arrests and 37 injuries.