› added 9 years ago


TIL America ranks #14 (behind Russia at #13) in reading, math, science, literacy and graduation rates.

78ZmP TIL the star ratings hotels advertise have requirements. They're independently measured based on what facilities guests can use, ranging from basic things like elevators to less common conveniences like a fitness center. The exact requirements vary some based on which body oversees the hotel.
N78D6 TIL the NHTSA's crash tests haven't been updated since the 70's, and no crash safety tests being performed today test with women in mind. They all test for the average male, and women have a 47% higher rate of serious injury in frontal collisions than men.
6956Y TIL that Finland, the country of thousands of lakes, does not have that much water. The average depth of its lakes is only 7 meters, meaning that all the lake water in Finland combined is less than a fourth of the contents of Ladoga. However, to be fair, Ladoga is the largest lake in Europe.
9YVpr TIL first editon of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone” in USA got changed into “Sorcerer’s Stone” instead. Because a scholastic thought that "Philosopher" sounded too archaic for Americans, Rowling later said that she regretted this change
EOVx TIL Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh was married to a Chinese woman. But today, Vietnamese government refused to acknowledge her existence, instead they promoted myth that he was celibate because “he was so dedicated to revolution”