› added 10 years ago


TIL of Kenneth McDuff, a Texas serial killer who was on Death Row, was then paroled, committed more murders and then finally executed. He caused an overhaul in the Texas Justice system including harsher paroles, more prisons and a rise in executions.

0wbBp TIL Most of the Cambodians did not even know that Pol Pot was the head of Khmer Rouge until his communist friends from China “insisted” him to show his face to the world as the leader of Cambodia. Even his family members who were working in the fields did not know he was running the country.
rROBo TIL The term slush fund was originally a nautical term: the slush was the fat or grease skimmed from the top of the cauldron when boiling salted meat. Ship officers would sell the fat to tallow makers, with the resulting proceeds kept as a slush fund for making small purchases for the ship's crew.
VOpQ TIL that the earliest attempts at destroying U-Boats by the British involved men in rowboats or picket boats putting burlap bags over periscopes or hitting them with hammers, rendering the sub blind. 16 U-Boats were disabled using this method.
e0rxk TIL about Damnatio Memoriae. People’s likenesses were destroyed and his name stricken from the records. The process of damnatio memoraie was intended to be a permanent judgement.
GYlPE TIL Army ants can accidentally misinterpret the chemical trails left by other ants and start walking in circles. If too many members of the colony join in, it can kill the whole colony in what is sometimes known as the 'Death Spiral.' or 'Ant Milling.'