› added 12 years ago


TIL that in Texas, the metric for whether or not a mentally retarded person can be executed is based on whether or not they appear to be smarter than the character Lennie Small from John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men”.

9YorM TIL that hospitals can and do prescribe alcohol to patients in order to prevent delirium tremens and alcoholic withdrawal
kO9P4 TIL in 2018 the car loan platform Lending Tree reported that while Tesla buyers only spent 4.6% of income on car payments, the least among all studied brands, the highest payment-to-income ratio brands were Buick and Chrysler, with both having buyers spend 10.9% of their income on car payments.
6Egl7 TIL Pres. Teddy Roosevelt was given strong coffee and puffs of cigar as a child to 'help' with his asthma. As an adult his coffee drinking became legendary and he drank up to 40 cups/day. His son, Theodore Jr., remarked that his father's ideal coffee cup might be "more in the nature of a bathtub"
ADMYa TIL According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word “kinda” has been around since the early 20th century. It calls “whatcha” a “nonstandard contraction.” “Hafta,” on the other hand, is called “informal”, while "lemme" is a "contraction"
4kgVJ TIL that the largest cavalry charge of all time took place during the 1683 battle of Vienna. 18,000 Polish and German cavalry men led by the Polish king and his Hussars charged down into the vast Turkish lines and crushed the invading Ottoman army, ending the Islamic invasion of Europe.