› added 7 years ago


TIL of John Willis, the only white member of Ping On, Boston’s Chinese mafia. He was introduced to the group by a young Asian man he saved. John later learned Chinese, became the boss’ chief bodyguard, and received the nickname “White Devil”. He is currently in a federal prison for drug trafficking.

WE9L TIL Ohio & Minnesota have special license plates for DUI offenders
VMb9D TIL of Guang Bing, a beloved Chinese bagel credited with winning a war against the Japanese 500 years.
D1WYP TIL Apple Computer produced a home game console called the Pippin.
mxM5R TIL the origin of the Stonehenge stones was only discovered after a lost core was returned after 62 years.
RV56 TIL the Soviet Union built the world’s first laser tank. (x-post from /r/TankPorn).