› added 5 years ago


TIL About Blue Lake Rhino Cave in Washington State that is the 14.5 million year old cast of an early Rhino ancestor created when basalt lava slowly covered the corpse floating upside down in an ancient lake found 300 feet up the side of a cliff.

e0OeL TIL that the office of Vice Presidency was considered so insignificant that former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Daniel Webster turned it down twice from two different presidents. Ironically, both presidents (William Henry Harrison and Zachary Taylor) died while in office.
gnZA TIL that the owner of a Utah video store was able to beat an obscenity charge over movies he rented out after his lawyer obtained data from cable and satellite television providers showing that area residents were disproportionately large consumers of pay-per-view pornography.
6EAlm TIL an Assistant US Attorney investigating sexual predators & drug rings was found stabbed 36 times, hundreds of miles from his home. Some wounds were on his back, his hands shredded, his scrotum & neck sliced & there was an unidentified fingerprint in his car. His death was ruled suicide.
g5rD TIL there is an invasive giant snail invading Florida that causes meningitis, reproduces like rabbits, lives up to ten years and has a shell so strong it can pop your car tire if you run over it
lo4Qa TIL anti-communists wanted the story of Robin Hood removed from education because they considered 'stealing from the rich to give to the poor' as communism