› added 3 years ago


TIL Teena Marie's legal battle with Motown Records over her contract resulted in "The Brockert Initiative" which made it illegal for a record company to keep an artist under contract without releasing new material for that artist and allows the artist to sign and release with another label.

l7JJ1 TIL: Osama bin Laden wrote in a document that he got the inspiration for the 9/11 attacks from the 1999 Egypt Air crash, where a copilot committed murder-suicide by intentionally crashing the plane into the ocean, for unknown reasons.
KR56 TIL, test pilot Tex Johnson did a barrel roll in a prototype 707 during a first look at a an air show with a lot of potential customers in attendance. When his boss called him into his office and said “What the hell were you doing?”, he replied “Selling Airplanes.”.
47kX TIL Male Peacocks make fake sex noises in order to attract more females and convince them that they are sexually active
Lk8rV TIL about the Bengal famine of 1942-43, in which the British allowed at least 1.5 million Bengalis to die of starvation. Only when Ian Stephens broke with British censorship and published pictures starving people and bodies did the British start to provide relief.
yVWAV TIL People produce endocannabinoids – similar to compounds found in marijuana – that are critical to many bodily functions such as learning and memory, emotional processing, sleep, temperature control, pain control, inflammatory and immune responses, and eating.