› added 4 years ago


TIL the amount of arable land (land that crops can grow on) per person on the planet is .19 hectacres, less then half a football field (excluding endzone).

WkK68 TIL Amtrak always attempts to stick to schedule, even during a time change. If the time goes backward, the train will sit at a station for an hour so it's not early. If the time goes forward, it will run an hour behind schedule and attempt to catch up.
9Y5nX TIL its Bachelor's Day in Ireland. It is an Irish tradition that takes place on Leap Day. Women can initiate dancing and propose a marriage. If the proposal was rejected, the man was expected to buy the woman a silk dress or, by the mid-20th century, a fur coat.
oRyZW TIL "Creature" (also know as "the titan find") 1985, an Aliens inspired horror sci-fi movie, is in the public domain. its early special effects were done by the Skotak brothers, who would go on to make the effects for Aliens (1986).
vPOgj TIL Andronico Luksic, the founder of Chile's wealthiest family worth approximately 18 billion, was able to greatly expand his mining business after a Japanese company mistakenly paid him 500,000 dollars for copper interest instead of the 500,000 Chilean pesos he had requested, roughly six times more
W79yN TIL male kangaroos have two penises that sit below the balls, females have 3 vaginas, and in the process of trying to find out why/ how this works, I learned echidnas have 4 penises but only 2 can get hard at once (wtf even is nature!?)