› added 6 years ago


TIL of the "Counting Coup", a war act originated by American Indians by which warriors would sneak up on enemy combatants, touch them on their body, and silently leave without being detected or causing harm. Escaping unharmed was considered a great prestige, especially if risking death or capture

9YroB TIL the holomovement brings together the holistic principle of "undivided wholeness" with the idea that everything is in a state of process or becoming. In this interpretation of physics wholeness is not considered static, but as a dynamic interconnected process.
b96Qj TIL A Fitbit played a role in solving a murder. Using the Wife's Fitbit and analyzing her movements, analysts were able to create a timeline that proved the husband had created a false story.
9wwap TIL Fruit flies have a gene named “Jim Lovell”, after the famous astronaut, which is necessary for flies to respond to gravity
awbBA TIL that despite having some of the top physicists in the world, including Werner Heisenberg, Nazi Germany was unable to build a nuclear weapon partly because they did not want to affiliate with "Jewish Physics" causing many scientists to defect to the US to help with the Manhattan project.
1aleX TIL: Wild Bill Hickok usually sat with his back to a wall so he could see the entrance of the building he was in. On his last day, when he went to play poker, the only seat available was one facing away from the door. He tried changing seats twice, but couldn’t. He was shot in the back of the head.