› added 3 years ago


TIL about Grise Fiord. Canada's most northern Town. The forced relocation of 8 indigenous families by the Canadian government established the town in 1953 to claim sovereignty. Survivors of the families were awarded 10 million dollars and a formal apology in 2010

oeeA TIL Kevin Smith was hired by Warner Brothers to write the script for a Superman movie. He was forced to write Superman without the power of flight and He had to fight a giant spider. The movie would’ve starred Nicolas Cage.
XEmo8 TIL of Hugh Thompson, a helicopter pilot from Decatur, Georgia who during the My Lai Massacre, landed in the village to rescue children from approaching American soldiers. Then, landed again, ordering his gunners to fire on the Americans if they prevented his rescue of other Vietnamese civilians
D1glv TIL Soviet leader Konstantin Chernenko started smoking at the age of 9. He died after only 13 months in office, the third Soviet leader to die during Reagan’s presidency. When informed, Reagan remarked, “How am I supposed to get anyplace with the Russians if they keep dying on me?”
oBZ98 TIL a teletubby toy was recalled in the late 90s for calling kids "faggot" and telling them to "bite my butt"
Np7P TIL: Thomas Jefferson invented his “wheel cypher” in the 1790s and a deceptively innovative little device it is. In fact, this machine was so far ahead of its time, it was still in active use in the US military 150 years later at the beginning of WW2.