› added 6 years ago


TIL we call letters "uppercase" and "lowercase" because the original printing presses kept letter blocks in literal cases; since small letters were used more often, they kept them in the bottom case for easy access; thus, lowercase (and uppercase) were born.

rRoOd TIL-In Florida it is illegal for any place that sells liquor to participate or permit any contest of dwarf-tossing. If convicted the establishment faces up to a 1000 USD fine and the suspension or revoking of their license. The law was put in place after the sport caught on in some bars down south.
woo4E TIL that chimpanzees are NOT 5 times stronger than humans. A chimpanzee's muscular performance can in fact only produce around 1.35-1.5 times the performance that human muscle can produce. This means that a large and athletic person will be as strong as a chimpanzee.
VMo5k TIL in 1962, Johnny Carson found out his wife had a secret apartment. He broke into the place with a gun and found football player Frank Gifford's framed photos. Getting sad, he drank all night and joked "That guy plays three positions on the field. I could never get Joanne to go for more than two."
7pwO TIL Abe Lincoln is enshrined in the Wrestling Hall of Fame, having lost only once in approximately 300 matches
nW9Yo TIL about the the nilgai, scientific name Boselaphus tragocamelus. The generic name Boselaphus comes from the combination of the Latin bos "cow/ox" and the Greek elaphos "deer". The specific name tragocamelus comes from two Greek words tragos "he-goat" and kamelos "camel". It is an antelope