› added 8 years ago


TIL Major Donnie Dunagan was the Marines’ youngest-ever drill instructor & served 3 tours in Vietnam, where he was wounded several times. He received the Bronze Star & the Purple Heart 3 times. For his entire Marine Corps service, he kept a secret that no one knew– he was the voice of Disney’s Bambi

ey1k TIL that Stephen Hawking’s wife was given the option to take him off of life support after he was placed in a medically induced coma. She refused, and upon recovering he finished writing ‘A Brief History of Time’
OGa7a TIL I learned that the fledgling Casablanca Records was saved from extinction by singing Donna Summer after the label went $7 million in debt on a live album of Johnny Carson which returned more copies than sold.
JvO4 TIL Most lizards can’t breath and run at the same time, due to sideways flexing of the body expanding one lung and compresses the other, shunting stale air from lung to lung instead of expelling it completely to make room for fresh air.
MYW0 TIL the first documented cases of cancer were found on papyrus manuscripts in Egypt dating back to 3000 BC. In these manuscripts, 8 cases of breast tumors are mentioned that were removed by cauterization with a tool called the fire drill. The writing says about the disease, “There is no treatment.”
OowWa TIL of Cain's Jawbone by Edward Powys Mathers, a 1934 mystery novel printed with its 100 pages out of order. To solve the puzzle, readers must determine the correct page order as well the names of both the six murderers and six victims. The mystery has only ever been solved by three people.