› added 9 years ago


TIL a British Challenger 2 tank was hit directly by 14 RPGs and an anti-tank missile in Iraq. The crew was uninjured and the tank was back in operation 6 hours later. Another survived 70 RPG hits. Only 1 Challenger 2 has been destroyed in combat; by another Challenger 2 in a friendly fire incident.

LLLZ TIL In 2007 MSNBC reporter Mika Brzezinski refused to read a report about Paris Hilton’s release from jail choosing instead to report on more important political news. When her producer tried to get her to push the story again she attempted to light the report on fire and had to be restrained.
x6NR1 TIL About Task Force Baum. Compromised of elements of the 4th Armored Division the unit was ordered to liberate a German POW camp towards the end of WW II. Most of the Force was killed or captured and it later alleged the purpose of the raid was to rescue Patton's son in law.
DQnLj TIL In 2022, the President of South Sudan was filmed wetting himself in public. Some journalists who reported this ended up disappearing or being found dead.
OG6r1 TIL that Lincoln Logs were invented by Frank Lloyd Wright’s son John, utilizing a stacking technique used by the two men during their joint design of a Japanese earthquake-proof hotel. After Frank fell out with his son and refused to pay him for his work, John patented the technique as retaliation.
P1e5V TIL that mead (or honey wine) has different names when blended with different ingredients. When fermented with grape juice, it is called "pyment," with apple juice "cyser," with other fruits "melomel," with herbs or spices "metheglin," and with hops, grains, or malts "braggot"